Monday 17 October 2011


What I have complained about today;

My mum waking me up at 10am to tell me she was going dare she wake me at such an hour!

My dog peeing in my room (again)

My bank Card not working in the machine at Maxol.

Carl beating me in FIFA.

My Dad downloading an app I didn't want onto my IPad.

I could go on, and add more ridiculous things that bothered me today. Looking at this I hope you don't think I am a total brat. I am sure similar minuscule things have caused your gears to grind as well though.

So let's just stop and think about how blessed me are.

A lot of people would give everything to be able to complain about the things we do I reckon.

If we focus on God we will soon realise... Nothing can fulfill us but him.

So who cares if I have a stinky damp carpet, or a Gaelic translation app on my iPad, the weather isn't great, or maybe there is a guy/girl giving you as mixed signals as the traffic lights. Who cares? I think if Paul were here he would probably laugh at us, I also think that brothers and sisters in the persecuted church would weep for us. We have such a big view of the unimportant and a tiny view of the crucial.

2 Corinthians 4:18 -" So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV)

God bless

Thursday 8 September 2011

What do I deserve?

I think when I ask that question, I know what answer I am supposed to give. We do not deserve anything we have got. God should have just cut his loses with his broken creation and let us wallow in our filth, let us live our lives our way and see where we ended up. He didn't though, he loves us so much that he reached out a hand and invited us to be set free from our worldly shackles. To live with him forever because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

If I argue with my family I get annoyed....because it's not meant to be like that. My grandad isn't very well and it bothers me....because it's not meant to be like that. My friends gossip and bitch.....because its not meant to be like that.

These are just some of the things in my life, that when they are not going my way I get really wound up. As though I deserve a life that is free from these issues. My life is meant to be free from these things- I genuinely believe this sometimes, and I think others do too. We have this weird sense of entitlement in our lives- that things are meant to be better than they are.

I guess what I am trying to say is that in every situation in our lives, we need to step back and realize- We don't deserve anything. Nothing at all. We should still be rolling around in the mud, but Jesus would prefer to have us in his throne room.

I am trying to live a life that reflects this. Everything and I mean everything in my life is a gift from God.

I don't always get on with my family... Thank you God that you gave them to me, and that they were created in your image.

My Grandad isn't well... Thank you God that he has been in my life, that I have known him.

My friends are dickheads sometimes....Thank you that they are not dickheads all the time.

Lets look at everything in life as a blessing. When times get hard, it is just another opportunity to show others the amazing presence God has in your life. That you can cope where others cannot.

Do you remember when you realized that Jesus actually did want to know you? That feeling of realization, when it all fell into place- 'Jesus I give me life to you.'

Never let go of that feeling, that humble realization that the God who hold all of creation in his hands wants to hold you in them as well.

What do we deserve? It doesn't bare thinking about.

What do we get? Eternally blessed.

We don't deserve anything. Everything is a blessing. Let's live like that.

'T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.'

Thursday 25 August 2011

If you have ever played in a rugby match you will know exactly what I am talking about. If you haven't, maybe you will be able to relate this to another sport? I've been thinking a bit about how rugby and my faith cross over and thought i would share. Again, this blog is probably going to be easiest read by my brothers.

I played rugby for Bangor Grammar School and it was incredible.

My old coach really pushed us hard in training. When we were doing drills and training he would encourage each other to push ourselves as hard as we would in a match. Tackle each other like you were tackling the other team. High aggression and high standards were required. If you can't do it in training to your own team, what makes you think you will be able to do it against the other team on a Saturday morning? That's what he used to ask. 

As Christians we need to have this same attitude. When we are around other Christians we should be pushing each other hardest, keeping out standards high and learning off each other. If when you gather with  your Christian friends and it seems the least likely thing to happen is to have a conversation about Christ- why do we assume we will be able to stand when our faith is tested against the enemy (The other team).

Rugby can be played by so many different types of people. You can be a 5 foot tall weed, but in rugby- You are a Scrum Half. So big man you are 18 stone and as round as a Pizza? You are Prop. 100 meters in 11 seconds? Away you out on the wing! Different people, different sizes, different weaknesses, different strengths- One team. Everyone has a role to play, and if they know their role and stick to it the team will succeed.
Lets not get up each others noses because of what we don't do or can't do. Thank God for what we can do. I can stand up and talk, you can organize the event. If you asked me to organize the event i wouldn't get it done. If I asked you to speak you wouldn't do it. We need each other to function. God created us to live in community and to use each others strengths for his glory. None more important than another, like bricks in a wall. Different people, different sizes, different weaknesses, different strengths- One kingdom. Everyone has a role to play.

As I'm sure you all know- Rugby is a contact sport. There is something incredible about playing a sport of it's nature. When playing you literally have to put your own well being on the line and get into a proper scrap with the other team. I loved my old school so much, and loved the guys I played with. This meant on a Saturday morning i would do absolutely anything to make sure we had the best opportunity to win. My school and my team mates meant too much to me to do otherwise. I risked injury and picked up some pretty bad ones. The great thing was there was fourteen other guys willing to do the same thing. It was proper comradeship. 

The really sad thing is that i don't see the same sort of intense passion in my Christian friends, and a lot of the time myself. As Christians we have entered into a war much bigger than you will ever find on a Rugby pitch. Every day you get up you will be faced with challenges and tempted by things that you need to be able to get into a scrap with, and prevail over. How incredible would it be to know that all your mates were going into the same scrap with you? That they were willing to stick their neck out and actually get along side you. So that when things to go wrong and you do take a hit  there is a true man of God standing next you, picking you up and getting ready to get stuck in again. There is no choice but to fight for it- because you know how what Jesus died for and it just means too much. We need to raise each other up in prayer and actually get into each others lives, be honest and know that with God we cannot be limited.
The final thing I needed to get used to at the Grammar was loosing.

We did it a lot, we were actually pretty good at it. Even when we looked in great form, we would probably blow it. This is fine to. It is okay to fail as long as you have put all you have into preventing it.

As Christians we were falter and stumble- and that is okay. Jesus has already died. Your sins are already forgiven. Just don't use this as an excuse. Fight with all you have, I believe God deserves that from us- but doesn't need it.

I hope you enjoyed this, I enjoyed writing it. I am a boy and the thought of Rugby has got the testosterone flowing, so I am pumped and ready to score a try for Jesus.

Very late so not going to re read for punctuation and spelling errors, sorry.

2 Timothy 4:7

'' I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith ''

Monday 11 July 2011

Man up!

Something that has really been grinding my gears recently is how the Christian guys I know treat the Christian girls I know.

Girls have become a way for guys to give their own egos a boost. We take the piss, make snide comments and generally a joke of the girls we know- using them as a stepping stone to a few cheap laughs, and therefore some sort of worldly gratification

Now, many people reading this will be thinking 'Wow Josh- Chill out, It's only banter' or 'Who is this guy to be talking about this'. These thoughts did cause me some troubles in writing this, and I hope you come to understand how dangerous 'banter' can be, and also I don't claim not to be guilty of what I am talking about- It is a change in myself that I am seeking and praying for.

It would all be very well if the raking/banter didn't have an outcome, but I believe it does. I think that this banter is limiting the potential that the girls i know see in themselves. They have almost accepted the role in the social circles that men have put them into, and many actually play into it. How many intelligent and incredible girls do you know that play dumb or silly, belittling themselves to the joke of the group?

Another way of looking at it is this... If you found someone taking the piss out of your own sister constantly, making a joke of her and you watched her limit herself for that person so she could have some sort of significance or role- What would you think about that? I know if someone treated my sister Emma as I treat some girls, I would be furious and I would not stand for it. The truth of it is this- Every woman you see is your sister. All of them, all created by our great God. Scarily this means that all the girls in your social circles and wider deserve the respect you would show your own sister.

We are called to live a Christ like life. If you can find me the passage in scripture where Jesus treats a woman as the butt of a joke, or as a stepping stone to glorify himself- Please let me know and I will delete this post and we can continue the way we are going.

In fact, Jesus treated women with nothing but respect. John 8:1-11 shows the moment when a prostitute was thrown naked in front of Jesus, and the pharisees questioned whether or not she should be stoned. Jesus challenged them- if you have not sinned throw the first stone. This piece of scripture is about not judging, but i believe it gives an insight into the respect and love Jesus showed to women, even a prostitute.

Lets man up and lead the way. Challenge yourself to be a man of God and not a man of this world. Let us not make snide jokes and make girls the a stepping stone to our gratification, but find this gratification by falling totally in love with another dude- Jesus. Make him your role model. When the prostitute was thrown in front of him he did not use her weakness to scoff and her, but to restore her. Start holding the girls you know up with love instead of stepping all over them, help them realize the incredible potential of their lives and not limit themselves to what we make them. 
Jesus acted when he had the prostitute thrown in front of him, he stood between her and the pharisees who wanted her killed. How many of us would have the balls to step between a girl we know and the rest of the group as we throw torrents of 'banter'. I know a lot of the time i wouldn't. I would let someone get ridiculed just because i would be worried that i might get laughed at or called a homo if i stood up for what is right- How manly of me. 

Brothers, lets start treating our Sisters in Christ for what they are- Sisters. Do not limit them, or use them as a stepping stone. Love them, hold them up and let them realize what they are- Created, loved and redeemed  by our God.

Girls- God has an unbelievable plan for your lives. A plan that is much bigger than having the piss taken out of you constantly, so don't convince yourselves of your worth by how we sometimes treat you. Find your worth in Jesus.

I don't feel like i am really done talking about this, I reckon I will add another post later. This is a blog I would really appreciate some feed back on- You might think I'm totally wrong or you might want to join me in trying to change the way we are, let me know either way. 

Saturday 25 June 2011

5 Cups is too many...

I drank 5 cups of coffee last yesterday. I am not really that regular a coffee drinker so last night I was lying in bed at about 11- totally exhausted, but totally awake. I was uneasy and uncomfortable, confused by why I couldn't sleep. Instead of putting two and two together and realizing that i am simply a caffeine light-weight, what was my immediate reaction?

'God, what are you trying to say to me?!'  and 'God what do you want of me?!'

I was effectively blaming God for not being able to sleep. Saying to God...'Right OK then, I can't sleep. It must be you poking me with something i need to sort out... Let's sort it out then and you can go away and let me sleep'

After a couple of hours, a phone call and some pondering- the caffeine wore off and i did get to sleep. The questions still remained however-
 'God, what are you trying to say to me?!'  and 'God what do you want of me?!'

Sometimes me and my Mum argue. It can get pretty bad sometimes and it is usually over the same things. Arguments with my siblings, my untidy room, me walking about the house in my boxers, me generally being a cheeky rat or my Mum just being a Mum. After every argument i know one thing will happen... My Dad will come home and ask me;

'What happened?'

'Mum was trying to tell me that the sky is green'

'The sky is green Son'


'Your mum is my wife, and I love her. No matter what she says I will stand by her, even when she doesn't make any sense'

My Dad LOVES my mum, and will stand by her no matter what. He does not question what she is thinking, or what she has planned for them. He loves, so he follows.

This is the relationship I am striving for with Jesus...To Love, and to follow.

Instead of lying in bed and questioning Gods motives, I should be lying in bed exclaiming my love for him! God doesn't want us to figure out his plan. God wants us to love first, to follow, and then live.

Big lessons to be learnt from Gerry Walker. 

Instead of questioning what God will do in your life, try questioning how you can love God today... You never know- you might end up living.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

To infinity, and beyond!

'So God created mankind in his own image, 
in the image of God he created them; 
male and female he created them.'

On Saturday night I watched Toy Story 3...

One part of the movie which really resonated with me was when Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear orders the other toys of the Sunny-Side Daycare Center to grab hold of Buzz Light-year and push his reset switch. They did this so that they could control him. Buzz had built up his own character- changed from what he was when he was created and so by resetting him to factory settings Buzz would be once again made new, totally changed from who he had become and therefore easy to manipulate into the person Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear wanted him to be...  

One part of life which really resonates with me is when God asked Jesus to grab hold of me and push my reset switch. He did this so that they could know me. I had built up my own character, changed from what I was when i was created and so by resetting me to factory setting I will once again be made new, totally changed from who I have become and therefore able to love God as the person he wants me to be.

I have a long journey ahead of me- It is not just as easy as pushing a switch for God, because i am a broken person who always seems to try and fight against him. He will have to take the screws off, and remove the cover, maybe change the batteries too, but then he will push the reset switch and i will be new. Until that day comes enjoy my blog, and join me as I return to factory settings.

God can speak to us through anything...Be Ready!