Saturday 25 June 2011

5 Cups is too many...

I drank 5 cups of coffee last yesterday. I am not really that regular a coffee drinker so last night I was lying in bed at about 11- totally exhausted, but totally awake. I was uneasy and uncomfortable, confused by why I couldn't sleep. Instead of putting two and two together and realizing that i am simply a caffeine light-weight, what was my immediate reaction?

'God, what are you trying to say to me?!'  and 'God what do you want of me?!'

I was effectively blaming God for not being able to sleep. Saying to God...'Right OK then, I can't sleep. It must be you poking me with something i need to sort out... Let's sort it out then and you can go away and let me sleep'

After a couple of hours, a phone call and some pondering- the caffeine wore off and i did get to sleep. The questions still remained however-
 'God, what are you trying to say to me?!'  and 'God what do you want of me?!'

Sometimes me and my Mum argue. It can get pretty bad sometimes and it is usually over the same things. Arguments with my siblings, my untidy room, me walking about the house in my boxers, me generally being a cheeky rat or my Mum just being a Mum. After every argument i know one thing will happen... My Dad will come home and ask me;

'What happened?'

'Mum was trying to tell me that the sky is green'

'The sky is green Son'


'Your mum is my wife, and I love her. No matter what she says I will stand by her, even when she doesn't make any sense'

My Dad LOVES my mum, and will stand by her no matter what. He does not question what she is thinking, or what she has planned for them. He loves, so he follows.

This is the relationship I am striving for with Jesus...To Love, and to follow.

Instead of lying in bed and questioning Gods motives, I should be lying in bed exclaiming my love for him! God doesn't want us to figure out his plan. God wants us to love first, to follow, and then live.

Big lessons to be learnt from Gerry Walker. 

Instead of questioning what God will do in your life, try questioning how you can love God today... You never know- you might end up living.

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