Tuesday 21 June 2011

To infinity, and beyond!

'So God created mankind in his own image, 
in the image of God he created them; 
male and female he created them.'

On Saturday night I watched Toy Story 3...

One part of the movie which really resonated with me was when Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear orders the other toys of the Sunny-Side Daycare Center to grab hold of Buzz Light-year and push his reset switch. They did this so that they could control him. Buzz had built up his own character- changed from what he was when he was created and so by resetting him to factory settings Buzz would be once again made new, totally changed from who he had become and therefore easy to manipulate into the person Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear wanted him to be...  

One part of life which really resonates with me is when God asked Jesus to grab hold of me and push my reset switch. He did this so that they could know me. I had built up my own character, changed from what I was when i was created and so by resetting me to factory setting I will once again be made new, totally changed from who I have become and therefore able to love God as the person he wants me to be.

I have a long journey ahead of me- It is not just as easy as pushing a switch for God, because i am a broken person who always seems to try and fight against him. He will have to take the screws off, and remove the cover, maybe change the batteries too, but then he will push the reset switch and i will be new. Until that day comes enjoy my blog, and join me as I return to factory settings.

God can speak to us through anything...Be Ready!

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