Monday 30 January 2012

Man up, again

I wrote a blog a while ago called man up. I said I was not done writing about it, and turns out I was not!

If you look down at this older post you will see that I was really just griping about the fact that guys get on like they are five and think that girls are there to be laughed at. It was all very general and I know that. This really is a problem though, so I am glad God is revealing it to me.

I put across a simple solution to the problem, treat girls like they were your own sister. It sounded right and probably isn't a bad thing to say. However I think it is time, as brothers, we stop putting paper over the cracks.

The thing we need to do, is not to sit back and assess the way we treat girls, or to think of ways for us to do this better. We need to get to the root of the problem. I believe the problem is; we as a whole are not focused on Christ. The fact is, if we were truly seeking Christ and trying to gain his glorious perspective, this behaviour would simply be laughed off.

We are called to lead the way, and I truly believe that. We cannot lead by example though, if we are not trying to live in a way that will bring glory to God. When we hang out/socialise would we be happy for our saviour to be physically sitting in the room watching us? I doubt it.

The guy/girl issue is just one problem of many.

Lets see the end of guys saying how difficult is. Lets see the end of guys saying that they don't know how to do it, because people have failed before. Jesus set the prefect example. Let's stop Standing by and watching brothers fall, thinking the solution is to talk to someone else about it because you are 'concerned'. Look them in the eye, love them and show them you are concerned. It is time that we stopped rolling through life sailing on the wave of grace, let's turn around and dig into the tide of sin which we all live in, let us claw and fight and with our lords power and might we will get there. Let's be ruthless in out pursuit of righteousness, set high standards. The thing I learn more and more is that the most difficult thing for me to do, is often the right thing. I guess this comes with being fallen.

Don't stop taking advantage of girls because its wrong. Don't stop anything because it's wrong. Stop these things because you love Christ. This way you will not be just stopping them, you will be beating them. You will be free from it.

Let's go forward together, with Christ leading us. It will be better that way.

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