Thursday 8 September 2011

What do I deserve?

I think when I ask that question, I know what answer I am supposed to give. We do not deserve anything we have got. God should have just cut his loses with his broken creation and let us wallow in our filth, let us live our lives our way and see where we ended up. He didn't though, he loves us so much that he reached out a hand and invited us to be set free from our worldly shackles. To live with him forever because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

If I argue with my family I get annoyed....because it's not meant to be like that. My grandad isn't very well and it bothers me....because it's not meant to be like that. My friends gossip and bitch.....because its not meant to be like that.

These are just some of the things in my life, that when they are not going my way I get really wound up. As though I deserve a life that is free from these issues. My life is meant to be free from these things- I genuinely believe this sometimes, and I think others do too. We have this weird sense of entitlement in our lives- that things are meant to be better than they are.

I guess what I am trying to say is that in every situation in our lives, we need to step back and realize- We don't deserve anything. Nothing at all. We should still be rolling around in the mud, but Jesus would prefer to have us in his throne room.

I am trying to live a life that reflects this. Everything and I mean everything in my life is a gift from God.

I don't always get on with my family... Thank you God that you gave them to me, and that they were created in your image.

My Grandad isn't well... Thank you God that he has been in my life, that I have known him.

My friends are dickheads sometimes....Thank you that they are not dickheads all the time.

Lets look at everything in life as a blessing. When times get hard, it is just another opportunity to show others the amazing presence God has in your life. That you can cope where others cannot.

Do you remember when you realized that Jesus actually did want to know you? That feeling of realization, when it all fell into place- 'Jesus I give me life to you.'

Never let go of that feeling, that humble realization that the God who hold all of creation in his hands wants to hold you in them as well.

What do we deserve? It doesn't bare thinking about.

What do we get? Eternally blessed.

We don't deserve anything. Everything is a blessing. Let's live like that.

'T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.'